
Jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik
Jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik

Action (3) is learning about all the elements in the division using Open-Ended learning through a structural approach. Action (2) is learning about integer multiplication operations with the application of Open-Ended learning through a structural approach.

jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik

The action was carried out four times, namely Action (1) was learning about all the elements in multiplication using Open-Ended learning through a structural approach.

jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik

The process of collecting data was done through tests, observations, interviews and field notes. In this study, the researcher conducted classroom action research with six students as research subjects who were selected based on their ability level, consisting of six students, namely two students with low abilities, two students with moderate abilities, and two students with high abilities. The main objective of this research is to find out how big the Open-Ended learning approach is in improving the understanding of fifth grade students of Al Ankabut SDIT Al Fahmi on the operations of multiplication and division of integers. To improve students' understanding of the operations of multiplication and division of integers, learning uses an Open-Ended approach that designs a solution and answer in the operation of multiplication and division of integers with more than one solution and answer. However, students really understand what they have memorized, and the teacher in providing material on multiplication and division of integers is only glued to the textbook but does not use other solutions that are easier for students to understand.

jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik

So that students do not just memorize alone. Basically, the memorization method will be appropriate if you memorize it, you know and understand what you have memorized. The background of this research is that generally students understand the concept of multiplication and division of integers by memorizing.

Jurnal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik